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Some towering oak or pine, growing in lusty strength for its half century or more by the brink of the upper reaches of one of the Mississippi system would, in time, be undermined by the flood and fall into the rushing tide.Seeing a flock hot ass fucked of sheep grazing near the shore, he ran his boat near them, and rubbed the noses of several with Scotch snuff.The Ohio and its tributaries, according to the census of that year, carried over 15,000,000 tons of freight annually, mainly coal, grain, lumber, iron, and steel.Could a boat laden with thousands of pounds of machinery make her way northward against that swift current? And hot ass fucked if not, could steamboat men be continually taking expensive engines down to New Orleans and abandoning them there, as the old time river men did their rafts and scows? Clearly not.So Roosevelt's appearance on the river did not in any way disquiet the flatboatmen, though it portended their disappearance as a class.To him all hot ass fucked men deferred.First of the craft to follow the Indian canoes and the bateaux of the French missionaries down the great rivers, was the flatboat a homely and ungraceful vessel, but yet one to which the people of the United States owe, perhaps, more of real service in the direction of building up a great nation than they do to Dewey's Olympia, or Schley's Brooklyn.So far as the river service furnished a parallel to the autocratic authority hot ass fucked of the sea going captain or master, he was it.Their biggest market was New Orleans, and thither most of their food staples were carried, but for agricultural implements and whisky there was a ready sale all along the route.More than this she was hot ass fucked an egregious architectural sham.All this edifice above the hull of the boat, was of the flimsiest construction, built of pine scantling, liberally decorated with scroll saw work, and lavishly covered with paint mixed with linseed oil.Another steamboat, the Enterprise, carried a cargo of, powder and ball from Pittsburg to General Jackson hot ass fucked at New Orleans, and after some service on southern waters, made the return trip to Louisville in twenty five days.New Madrid, for example, which nowadays we remember chiefly as being one of the stubborn obstacles in the way of the Union opening of the river in the dark days of the Civil War, was in 1826 like a seaport.Week after week he drifted along the Ohio and Mississippi, taking detailed soundings, studying the hot ass fucked course of the current, noting the supply of fuel along the banks, observing the course of the rafts and flatboats as they drifted along at the mercy of the tide.Some row up, but we row down, All the way to Shawneetown.
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