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The doctrines of an inner light, of perfection, of reason quiescent amid the tumult of the soul, of mystical union, of disinterested love, are all strongly maintained by the Archbishop of Cambray.He was quite ready to grant that such agitations betokened 'natural distemper' in the case of the French prophets, yet ibm sound driver download the remembrance of them embarrassed him, for he was convinced that what he saw around him were veritable pangs of the new birth, the undoubted effects of spiritual and supernatural agencies.' Such expressions would be generally assented to in our day, as embodying sound and valuable truths, which cannot be rejected on account of errors which may sometimes chance to attend them.But after all it is not ibm sound driver download from the extravagances and perversions of a dogma that the main lesson is to be learnt.A little earlier or a little later, but, at all events, at the end of a generation or two after the first Christian Pentecost, a line of demarcation was to be drawn and jealously guarded.It exhibits, indeed, the most varied phases, according to the direction and degree in which it falls into those excesses to which it is peculiarly liable, but such extravagances are very independent of the particular community in which they ibm sound driver download happen to appear.And lastly it may be added that Bishop Horne made himself thoroughly familiar with a kindred work by the same author on 'Christian Perfection' and was wont to express the greatest admiration of it.They could sympathise ibm sound driver download with the intense longing for a closer walk with God, with the hunger and thirst after a purer righteousness, a more unselfish love, a closer mystical union with the Divine life.With the rise of Wesleyanism enthusiasm found full scope in a new direction.He held it to be the glory and adornment of all true religion, and the special prerogative of ibm sound driver download Christianity.The writers of the eighteenth century were fully alive to its dangers.He warned his readers against that sort of intoxication of the understanding, when the imagination is suffered to run wild in allegorical interpretations of Scripture, in fanciful allusions, in theories of mystic influences and properties which carry away the mind into wild ibm sound driver download superstitions and Pagan pantheism.Descartes, Malebranche, Leibnitz were considered almost obsolete More and Cudworth were out of favour and there was but scanty tolerance for any writer who could possibly incur the charge of transcendentalism or mysticism.' Believing thus with all his heart both in the excellence of reason and in a true inspiration of the spirit granted to the pure in heart, but never dissociating the latter from the former well convinced that 'Christian religion is rational throughout,' and that the suggestions of the Holy Spirit are in all cases agreeable to ibm sound driver download reason More wrote with much force and beauty of argument his 'Exorcism of Enthusiasm.The contemporaries of Locke, Addison, and Tillotson, trained in a wholly different school of thought, were ill fitted to enter with patience into such a subject, to see its importance, to discriminate its differences, and to solve its perplexities.
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