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The rows of dingy looking warehouses dimly seen through the smoke along the shores of the river the ranges of barges, lighters, and wherries lying at the margin of the water below the bridges, stretching through the murky atmosphere across the stream, with throngs of people upon them passing incessantly to and fro the little steamers, long and slender, and blackened by smoke, shooting swiftly in every direction over the surface of the water and the spires and domes of the city seen on every hand beyond the nearer buildings, attracted by turns the attention of our travellers, and excited their wonder.The landing consisted of a floating platform, that was built over great flat bottomed boats, that were moored at a little distance from the bank, new hampshire realtors association so as to rise and fall with the tide.Why, they are schools for poor boys, replied Rollo.The policeman was a very well dressed new hampshire realtors association and gentlemanly looking personage.So Rollo and the policeman walked along together.We must go now and look new hampshire realtors association out our lodgings.George.There were, however, substantial settees placed around the new hampshire realtors association deck, some forward and others aft.He found, however, that his sympathy for the poor prisoner, as is usual in such cases, was very much diminished by knowing the offence of which he had been guilty.Yes, said new hampshire realtors association Mr.There were not seats enough for all the passengers and thus many were obliged to stand.I shall have to new hampshire realtors association give it up, said he to himself.George took his station on the margin of it, and began to survey the edifice on the opposite side of the street with great apparent interest.George new hampshire realtors association.There was a crowd of young men and boys following, some walking fast and some running, to see what would become of the prisoner.
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