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In the year B.It was now about ten o'clock in the morning, and Caesar, finding the prospect so unfavorable in respect to the practicability gtk theme switch windows of effecting a landing here, brought his fleet to anchor near the shore, but far enough from it to be safe from the missiles of the enemy.67, which was about the time that Caesar commenced his successful career in rising to public office in Rome, as is described in the third chapter of this volume, the Cilician pirates, of whose desperate character and bold exploits something has already been said, had become so powerful, and were increasing so rapidly in the extent of their depredations, that the Roman people felt compelled to adopt some very vigorous measures for suppressing them.He gtk theme switch windows demanded a triumph.He moved at the head of the column when his troops were advancing on a march, generally on horseback, but often on foot and Suetonius says that he used to go bareheaded on such occasions, whatever was the state of the weather, though it is difficult to see what the motive of this apparently needless exposure could be, unless it was for effect, on some special or unusual occasion.A triumph was a great and splendid ceremony, by which victorious generals, who were of advanced age and high civil or military rank, were received into the city when returning from any specially glorious gtk theme switch windows campaign.Others fled, and were followed by Pompey's ships until they had passed beyond the coasts of Sicily, and the seas between the Italian and African shores.What gtk theme switch windows a vast work of destruction was this for a man to spend eight years of his life in performing upon his fellow creatures, merely to gratify his insane love of dominion.Pompey rose rapidly to higher and higher degrees of distinction, until he obtained the command of an army, which he had, in fact, in a great measure raised and organized himself, and he fought at the head of it with great energy and success against the enemies of Sylla.He had and partisans in Rome who acted for him and in his gtk theme switch windows name.Hence the Rubicon became, as it were, the visible sign and symbol of civil restriction to military power.In fact, they gtk theme switch windows had gone so far toward forming themselves into a regular maritime power, under a systematic and legitimate government, that very respectable young men from other countries began to enter their service, as one opening honorable avenues to wealth and fame.
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