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This story of the seal fishery, and the cruel and wholesale slaughter which for years attended it, is one of the most revolting chapters in the long history of civilized man's warfare on dumb animals.Serving a purpose akin to the lighthouses, are the christiane celle perfume post and range lights on the great rivers of the West.The lightship is regarded by the Government as merely a makeshift, though some of them have been in use for more than a quarter of a century.So thick are the hooks and snares that merely to swim along, intent on christiane celle perfume his own business, is likely to result sooner or later in his being impaled on some cruel barb.The slower boats, the ocean tramps, too, look with disfavor on shipping a pilot far out at sea, for it meant only an idler aboard, to be fed until the mouth of the harbor was reached.In the course of years, however, christiane celle perfume the revenue cutter service has extended its functions.It is ten miles from land, standing on a limestone reef, and in the part of the lakes where the ice persists longest and moves out with the most resistless crush.For all christiane celle perfume their apparent lightness of construction, they are stout and seaworthy, and in their erection the builders have often had to overcome obstacles and perils offered by the sea scarcely less savage than those overcome at Minot's Ledge.The world has heard much of the jolly Jack Tars who spend in a few days' revel in waterside dives the whole proceeds of a year's cruise but it has heard less of the shrewd schemes which are devised for fleecing poor Jack, and applied by every one with whom he comes in contact, from the prosperous owner who pays him off in orders that can only be conveniently cashed at some outfitter's, who charges usurious rates for the accommodation, down to the tawdry drab who collects advance money on account of half a dozen sailor husbands.No attention was given to the breeding season, mothers with young cubs were slain as ruthlessly as christiane celle perfume any.While costing less than lighthouses, they are not in favor with the Lighthouse Board, because the very conditions which make a light most necessary, are likely to cause these vessels to break from their moorings and drift away, leaving their post unguarded.General Terms of Use and Redistributing Project Gutenberg tm christiane celle perfume electronic works 1.That was in the era of sailing ships and infrequent steamers, and it was the period of the greatest mortality among the pilots for staunch as their little boats were, and consummate as was their seamanship, they were not fitted for such long cruises.
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