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This is a worthy survival.It was indeed quite easy to cite Rabbinic passages in which the world to come is identified with resturant row new york city the bodily Resurrection.But, on the whole, there is in modern Judaism a tendency to underrate somewhat the value of asceticism in religion.2) resturant row new york city.It was the poets who nourished these lurid ideas, and poetry which has done so much for the good of religion has also done it many a disservice.Mysticism resturant row new york city is the experience of one.Jewish mysticism, starting as an ascetic corrective to the conventional hedonism, lost its ascetic character and degenerated into licentiousness.They were alike faithful to the Law, or rather to their own interpretations of resturant row new york city its terms.In such conceptions, rather than in descriptive pictures of Paradise and Gehenna, is the true mind of Judaism to be discerned.We have already seen that in matters of dogma there never was any resturant row new york city corporate action at all in ancient times, as now, it is not possible to pronounce definitely on the dogmatic teachings of Judaism.
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