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' J.It may seem strange that a mere handful of not very voluminous writers, not one of whom can be said to have attained to cartoon lady bird the eminence of an English classic, should have created such a vast amount of excitement.To them the Christian faith, not in its fundamentals only, but in all the principal accessories of its constitution and government, was stereotyped in forms which could not be departed from without heresy or schism.In fact, the Old Testament is the only canon of Christians for cartoon lady bird the New Testament is not a law book for the ruling of the Church.Fervid as their Christianity was, it was altogether unprogressive in its form.C cartoon lady bird.But we must pass over the earlier Deists, of whom the most notable was Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and come at once to a writer who, although his most notorious work was published before the seventeenth century closed, lived and wrote during the eighteenth, and may fairly be regarded as belonging to that era.Lord Shaftesbury's 'Miscellaneous Essays,' which were ultimately cartoon lady bird grouped in one work, under the title of 'Characteristics of Men and Manners, &c.x.He too, like Dodwell, rejoiced that from his position as a layman he cartoon lady bird could without prejudice resist what he termed a sacrilegious invasion of the rights of the priests of the Lord.It was not very tenable ground, but it was held by them with a pertinacity and sincerity of conviction which deepened the fervour of their faith, even while it narrowed its sympathies and cramped it with restrictions.Clarke called him cartoon lady bird a model controversialist.It may even have been better in the end for English Christianity, that no special period of religious excitement should interfere with the serious intellectual conflict, in which all who could give any attention to theology were becoming deeply interested.They longed indeed for unity and there is no reason to believe that they would have hesitated to sacrifice, though it would not be without a cartoon lady bird pang, many points of ritual and ceremony if it would further so good an end.
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