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Generally, they were decided Low Churchmen the more so as lectureships were very commonly in the choice of the people, and the bulk of the electors were just that class of tradesmen in whom the Puritan, and afterwards the so called Presbyterian, party in the Church had found its strongest support.They were regarded, no doubt, with a certain magic kingdom images pride as splendid national memorials of a kind of devotion that had long passed away.there had been express directions relating to a daily administration, not only in cathedrals, but in parish churches.A writer at the very end of the century pointed his remarks on the subject by calling the attention of his brother clergy to the magic kingdom images distinctly anti Christian purpose which had animated the French Convention in their suppression of the clerical habit.'Many,' said Sherlock, 'who have little other religion, are forward enough to hear sermons, and many will miss the prayers and come in only in time to hear the preaching.'The more magic kingdom images the pity,' says the writer in question, 'for they are good preaching.But, curiously enough, when George I.Many of our readers may be acquainted with the witty satire in which, with a perpetual side glance at the fussy self importance visible in Bishop Burnet's History, Pope writes 'the Memoirs of magic kingdom images P.Not, perhaps, without reason for it was a time when political prepossessions which could not openly be declared found vent in all kinds of byways.Under the circumstances, it was perhaps no magic kingdom images more than a prudent requirement of the Act of Uniformity, that Lecturers should duly sign the Articles and before their first lecture read the Prayers, and make the same declarations as were obligatory upon other clergymen.
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