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If you will first permit me to go below, responded the other, I will silence the firing of the lower deck guns.In the career of Paul Jones is to be found the record of the most stirring events of ragnarok items quest the Revolution but there were other commanders in the young American navy no less daring than he.The timbers of the ship were greatly shattered, and her cordage was so badly cut that skilful manoeuvring was impossible.The Richard ragnarok items quest rolled heavily from side to side.The American gunners were driven from their guns by the flying cloud of shot and splinters.He was too often looked upon as a man ragnarok items quest of no patriotism, but wholly mercenary courageous, but only with the daring of a pirate.Little by little the nimble sailor crept out on the yard, until he was over the crowded gun deck of the Serapis.Moans ragnarok items quest and shrieks of agony were heard on every side.It seemed that the powder boys of the Serapis had been too active in bringing powder to the guns, and, instead of bringing cartridges as needed, had kept one charge in advance of the demand so that behind every gun stood a cartridge, making a line of cartridges on the deck from bow to stern.Pearson, seeing that his ship was a perfect wreck, ragnarok items quest and that the fire was gaining head way, hauled down his colors with his own hands, since none of his men could be persuaded to brave the fire from the tops of the Richard.Accordingly they determined to let time do the work, and starve the rogues out of their retreat.
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