Picture of scott ian
He was harassed by continual suspense and anxiety, not being able to gain any clear or certain intelligence about the condition and movements of either his friends or foes.He would picture of scott ian make bows and arrows in the chimney corner lost, all the time, in melancholy reveries, or in wild and visionary schemes of future exploits.This victory changed for the time being the whole face of affairs, and led, in various ways, to very important consequences, the most important of which was, as we shall presently see, that it was the means indirectly of bringing Alfred soon to the throne.The Danes were picture of scott ian overpowered and put to flight.The other kingdoms of the Saxons had been already pretty effectually plundered.Alfred was censured very much at the time, picture of scott ian and has been condemned often since, for having thus made a separate peace for himself and his own immediate dominions, and abandoned his natural allies and friends, the people of the other Saxon kingdoms.It is very difficult to decide, at this late day how far this disposition to find fault with Alfred's early administration of his government arose from, or was aggravated by, the misfortunes and calamities which befell him.People who live in solitudes picture of scott ian are always hospitable.Alfred was, for a time, extremely depressed and disheartened by the sense of his misfortunes and calamities but the monkish writers who described his character and his life say that the influence of his sufferings was extremely salutary in softening his disposition and improving his character.There is a certain desperation to which men are often aroused in the last extremity, which surpasses courage, and is even sometimes a very effectual substitute for strength and Alfred might, perhaps, have succeeded, after all, in saving his affairs from utter ruin, had picture of scott ian not a new circumstance intervened, which seemed at once to extinguish all remaining hope and to seal his doom.
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