Dubai american academy
A change, strongly marked by the impress of reaction from the prevailing tone of eighteenth century feeling, has gradually taken place in the usual signification of the word.He maintains that when Athanasius spoke of Jews who held the simple humanity of Christ, he meant dubai american academy what he said, viz.52, and S.' 'Therefore,' he thinks, 'we should not bind it on our own consciences or on others as a piece of necessary worship, but rather practise dubai american academy it occasionally as prudence and expediency may require.It was left to others,' he adds, 'to build upon the foundation which Socinus laid, and to bring the Unitarian doctrine to the goodly form in which the present age beholds it.The dubai american academy original derivation of the word was generally kept in view.Everything, he thinks, that can be said on either side has been said long ago.On one point he and his adversary dubai american academy thoroughly concurred viz.It is what he calls 'the moral argument' for the Trinity.There is real eloquence in his appeal to the 'great number of Christians who, since the Apostles, under the influence of a belief in the Divinity of the Son and the Spirit, have paid divine honours to both, after they have sought the knowledge of the truth with the utmost diligence and prayer when they have been in the holiest and most heavenly frames of spirit, and in their devoutest hours when they have been under the most sensible impressions of the love of the Father and the Son, and under the most quickening influences of the Blessed Spirit himself in the devotions of a death bed, and in the songs and dubai american academy doxologies of martyrdom.' On the main question of the Trinity he asserts, in opposition to Dr.Clarke's famous dubai american academy book, to which, indeed, it was partly intended to be an antidote.The amiable design of Dr.
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