Stress and coping strategies
Swinging his craft around, he mounted all four of his guns on that side which commanded the channel in the direction from which the enemy was expected.Indeed, after the appointment had been made, certain damaging rumors concerning the newly appointed captain reached the ears of the marine committee, and caused stress and coping strategies them to send an express messenger to Boston to cancel Mugford's commission.These he took to Watertown, where the Massachusetts Legislature was then in session.At last a musket ball stress and coping strategies struck Capt.In size and weight of metal, the two vessels were about evenly matched but the Reprisal had been sending out so many prize crews, that she was short eighty men of her full crew.The boats would come under the lee of the Franklin but, not being provided with grappling irons, the British were forced to lay hold of stress and coping strategies the gunwales of the enemy with their hands, which the Americans promptly lopped off with their cutlasses.MUGFORD'S BRAVE FIGHT.Congress, however, directed the release of the captured ships, as it was then intended only to take such vessels as were actually employed in the stress and coping strategies king's service.Moore's continued efforts to avoid a conflict were signs of cowardice, they were quickly undeceived for that officer fought like a tiger, standing on the quarter deck rail, cheering on his men, and hurling hand grenades down upon his assailants, until a shot brought him down.Wickes found trouble in store for stress and coping strategies him.The Glasgow and the Alfred then took up the fight, and exchanged repeated broadsides the American vessel suffering the more serious injuries of the two.There is much confusion stress and coping strategies upon this point, and not a little uncertainty.This time, however, the Englishman was a frigate, and the luckless Lexington was forced to surrender.Barry, with the British vessel Edward, off the stress and coping strategies capes of Virginia.
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