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The wind whistled through the rigging, and tore at the tightly furled sails.Col work at home computer colorado.Most of the shells that fell within the fort fell into a large pool of water, which extinguished their fuses, thus robbing them of their power for evil.The loss of the British during the engagement, in killed and wounded, amounted to two hundred and twenty work at home computer colorado five men.Soon after the colonial troops took possession of the forts in the harbor, and Charleston became a revolutionary stronghold.The next day the storm work at home computer colorado abated and Capt.The haggard sufferers were doomed to see the frail structure on which their lives depended go slowly to pieces before the mighty power of the remorseless sea.Jones, however, safely carried the Alfred clear of the Milford's guns, and, a heavy storm coming up, soon work at home computer colorado eluded his foe in the snow and darkness.He was ceaselessly on the watch lest some hostile man of war should overhaul his fleet, and force him to abandon his hard won fruits of victory.All England work at home computer colorado was aroused by the exploits of the Yankee cruiser.Ships and brigs, as well as small fishing schooners, were in the fleet.The prizes, work at home computer colorado with the exception of the captured privateer, continued on the starboard tack.
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