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In regard to this subject, there are very different methods, now in practice in different schools.Approximation to excellence is all that we can expect for oh boy design company unprincipled and deceiving characters will perhaps always be found, and no system whatever can prevent their existence.A very small number hesitatingly took their seats.And by presenting it as an object oh boy design company of common interest, an arrangement proposed for the common convenience of teacher and pupils, the latter may be much interested in carrying the plan into effect.Scholars are in general far too particular in regard to their pens.They will gradually do it on slighter and slighter occasions, until at last the rule will be disregarded oh boy design company entirely.If the teacher thinks that evil would result from the interruption of the studies so often, he may offer the pupils three minutes rest every hour, instead of two minutes every half hour, and let them take their choice or he may decide the case altogether himself.The number who had spoken oh boy design company inadvertently, and the number who had done it by design, might be ascertained.Perhaps it would not be far from the truth, to estimate the average number of scholars in the schools in our country, at fifty.Hearing oh boy design company recitations.Now it is very probable that some have, from inadvertence, or from design, omitted to keep an account of the number of transgressions of the rule, which they have committed during the day others, perhaps, do not wish to make a report of themselves.Scholars will differ in regard to the degree of inconvenience, which they must oh boy design company submit to, rather than break the rule.CHAPTER II.
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